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Yung's dynamic | lung source was invited to ningbo kechuang board listed companies patent navigation training
Date:2022-10-08     Views:    

  On the afternoon of September 29, 2022, Ningbo Market Supervision Administration held an online training session themed "Patent Navigation of Ningbo Science and Technology Innovation Board to be Listed".

  This conference was chaired by Wu Chunli, the second-level researcher of the Intellectual Property Application Promotion Department of Ningbo Market Supervision Administration. The conference content closely linked to the pain points of intellectual property development of listed companies, supported by patent navigation needs, and escorted the implementation of intellectual property achievements of the enterprises to be listed.

  Ningbo district (county, city) market supervision bureau, functional area division, science and technology innovation board to be listed enterprises related staff and responsible persons participated in this project.

  (Video conference training scene of Longyuan Chairman Yan Dong)

  At present, there are 137 companies listed on the main board in Ningbo. The capital market has obvious ability to help improve the manufacturing industry, and the resources and potential of enterprises to be listed are huge.

  Mr. Yan Dong, chairman of Longyuan Intellectual Property Group, shares detailed and simple cases with the title of "Intellectual Property Work Guidelines for Enterprises to be Listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board", combining the explicit intellectual property elements under the attribute of science and technology innovation and the impact of intellectual property on the IPO of the enterprise science and Technology Innovation Board. It lays a good foundation for the subsequent patent navigation and IPO layout of the enterprises to be listed.

  After the content sharing, entrepreneurs actively asked questions online, and the atmosphere at the event was warm.

Previous:Longyuan News|Longyuan was invited to participate in the 2022 Ningbo Start-up Enterprise Intellectual Property Strategy Layout Lecture